Law & Judicial minister-in Union Law and Justice minister hmuin Mizoram mamawh hrang hrangte thlen

Aizawl, the 5th August, 2023: Law & Judicial Minister TJ Lalnuntluanga chuan nimin khan Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Law and Justice Arjun Ram Meghwal chu a chenna In Delhi-ah a kawm a, Mizoram mamawh leh tul hrang hrangte a thlen.

He hunah hian Mizoram Law & Judicial Minister TJ Lalnuntluanga chuan Mizoram chhunga Court infrastructure tih changtlung dan tur chungchang Union Law and Justice Minister a sawipui a. Mizoramin litigation lama hmasawnna nasa tak a neih thu leh Court changtlung tha kan mamawh thu hrilhin, fund awm ang angte pawh Court tih changtlun kawnga State-in bul a tan lai a nih avangin pek tam deuh kan mamawh thu a hrilh bawk.

Union Law and Justice Minister chu Lunglei leh District thar pa 3 tana Court Building sak thuai a nih theih nan fund pe chhuak thuai turin a ngen bawk a. Heng bakah hian TJ Lalnuntluanga chuan Champhai Judicial District Court building sak tur, Guwahati High Court pawhin Court building drawing a pawmpui vek tawh chu sak tan vat a nih theih nan CSS for Development of Infrastructure Facilities for the Judiciary hnuaia fund pe chhuak thuai turin a ngen bawk.

Union Law and Justice Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal chuan Minister TJ Lalnuntluanga thil thlente chu a rang lama lo tihfel a tum tur thu a hrilh a ni.

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