DDK Aizawl-in Folk Dance Group "B" Grade turin Audition a buatsaih dawn

Aizawl the 8th May 2023: Prasar Bharati, Doordarshan Kendra Aizawl chuan Folk Dance Group B Grade tur chungchangah a hnuai ang hian thuchhuah a siam.

Doordarshan Kendra Aizawl chuan Folk Dance Group "B" Grade turin Audition a buatsaih dawn a, Grade B tling te tan B High, A Grade leh TOP Grade te a la dil chhun zawm zel theih dawn ani. Dilna form, Processing fee leh tul dangte hre chiang duh tan office hun chhungin DDK Aizawl ah zawh fiah theih ani ang.

Guidelines leh tul dangte hi Prasar Bharati website ah pawh en theih in a awm bawk.

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He post chungchanga i ngaihdan lo sawi ve rawh:

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