ISRO successfully launches PSLV-C55 mission carrying two Singaporean satellites

April 22, 2023: Indian Space Research Organisations (ISRO) successfully launched the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle C55 (PSLV-C55) mission carrying two Singaporean satellites from Satish Dhawan Space Center at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh on Saturday afternoon. PSLV-C55 is a dedicated commercial PSLV mission of NewSpace India Limited (NSIL), which is the commercial arm of ISRO, for an international satellite customer.

In a tweet, the ISRO said, in a textbook launch, the vehicle placed Singapore’s TeLEOS-2 as the primary satellite and LUMELITE-4 as a co-passenger satellite precisely into their intended 586 km circular orbit.
It is the 57th flight of PSLV, and the 16th mission of the PSLV Core Alone configuration (PSLV-CA)variant. This is the lightest version of PSLV.
- Newsonair

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