PÛM 2023 Innovative Competition & Exhibition Fair buatsaih leh dawn

Aizawl | Sept 4, 2023: Labour, Employment, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Department (LESDED) hmalakna in PÛM-2023 (Innovative Competition & Exhibition Fair) chu Industrial Training Institute (ITI), ITI Veng, Aizawl ah 20th - 22nd September, 2023 chhung hian neih a ni dawn a. Serchhip District atangin hetiang lama tui mi te tan tel theih a ni.

PÛM - 2023 hi Innovative Competition leh Exhibition Fair-a hman tur niin, Inelnaah hian ITI-a zir mek, zir tawhte leh kut themthiam lama thiam thil nei ten an thilsiam chhuah hmangin intihsiakna kalpui a ni ang a. Heng bakah hian mipui vantlang hmuh theih turin thiam thil hmanga thil siamchhuah hrang hrangte pho chhuah a ni bawk ang. Inelna hi Engineering leh Non-Engineering a then a ni a, lawmman pawh a hrang a siam a ni.

Lawmman chu a hnuaia mi ang hian siam a ni:
1)  Engineering trades
1st                           :         Rs. 1,00,000/-
2nd                          :         Rs. 50,000/-
3rd                           :         Rs. 30,000/-
People’s Choice     :         Rs. 5,000/-

2)  Non-Engineering trades
1st                          :         Rs. 1,00,000/-
2nd                         :         Rs. 50,000/-
3rd                          :         Rs. 30,000/-
People’s Choice    :         Rs. 5,000/-

Intihsiaknaa tel turte tan Form siam sa hmangin dilna thehluh tur a ni a, Dilna Form hi LESDE Department website lesde.mizoram.gov.in emaw Directorate Office Directorate of LESDE, A/28, Earth Day Road, Near Baptist Church, MINECO, Khatla, Aizawl-ah Office hun chhungin lam theih a ni a, Dilna hi 12th September, 2023 aia tlai lovah thehluh tur a ni. Hetiang lama tui mite tan a hnuaia contact number-ah hian zawh chian theih a ni - Ph. No: 8413932509 leh 9856735845.

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