Home Commissioner clarifies press release of PAMRA to Manipur Chief Secretary

Aizawl, the 26th July 2023: The letter to Chief Secretary, Manipur from Pu H. Lalengmawia, Commissioner & Secretary, Home Department, Government of Mizoram about the Press Release of PAMRA is reproduced below.

"With reference to your D.O.No.H-1701/137/2022-HD-HD dated 21 July, 2021 regarding the subject cited above, I would like to inform you that I convened a meeting on 22.07.2023 with representatives of Peace Accord MNF Returnees' Association (PAMRA) in the presence of the State Police authorities and senior State Government officials regarding the contents of the Press Release No.PAMRA(GHQ)/PR/2022-2024/5 dated 21.07.2023 issued by the same.

During the meeting, the representatives of PAMRA reported that they do not have any ill intentions with the Meitei community residing in Mizoram. The Press Release was issued merely as an advisory for the Meitei community to maintain caution in view of the prevailing public sentiment as a result of the recent viral video which displayed inhumane sexual violence against 2 (two) tribal women.

Thereafter, I convened another meeting with representatives of PAMRA and the All Mizoram Manipuri Association wherein the issue was deliberated in detail. The leaders of the All Mizoram Manipuri Association found the clarification from PAMRA to be satisfactory. The outcome of the meeting is reflected in the Press Statement dated 22.07.2023 issued by Home Department, Government of Mizoram, a copy of which is enclosed for your kind information and reference on the issue which appears to have been misconstrued as a diktat or quit notice to Meitels in Mizoram.

I would also like to inform you that elaborate security arrangements have been put in place and police deployment have been made to prevent any untoward incidents in the most unlikely scenario of violence or harassment occurring upon the Meitei community in Mizoram".


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