Governor hovin Indian Red Cross Society chak zawka kal dan tur sawiho

Aizawl | July 3, 2023: Vawiin khan Raj Bhavan-ah Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati,  President, Indian Red Cross Society(IRCS) - Mizoram Chapter ni bawk hovin IRCS -Mizoram chuan chak  zawka kal dan tur an sawiho.

Meeting-ah hian Governor in a sawm angin Pi Esther Lal Ruatkimi, Principal Secretary, Health Department chuan  PowerPoint presentation hmangin IRCS - Mizoram Chapter lo din a nih dan leh tun thlenga hmalakna te a sawi hmasa a. Dr. Chawnglungmuana,  Member Secretary, Ad-hoc committee, IRCS - Mizoram Chapter pawhin Mizorama Red Cross hmalakna tlangpui leh Huang zauh theih dan nia a hriat te a sawi bawk. 

Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati chuan Report atanga a thil hmuh dan te a sawi a. Mizoramah Red Cross Society chu tangkai zawka kalpui dan ngaihtuah a ngai a ti. Hemi chungchangah hian Governor chuan Ad-hoc Committee ten a rang lamin hma la se, rawtna siam thuai se tha a tih thu a sawi bawk.

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