Tata SK 712 Pro Volleyball League, 2023 - June 14 Result

Aizawl | June 14, 2023 - Nilaini: Tata SK 712 Pro Volleyball League, 2023 chu khelh mek a nina, June 14 Result kan dah e.

3:30PM Luangmual VC bt Bungkawn VC.
Score: 25-18, 25-21, 25-21 (3-0)
D3 Business Player of the match - F.Lalparmawii, BVC.
Point hmuh - 18
Point hloh - 5

Luangmual VC.

1. Nipa Pravinbhai Barad
Point hmuh - 22
Point hloh - 11

2. Hmingthazuali
Point hmuh - 12
Point hloh - 4

3. R.Malsawmtluangi
Point hmuh - 8
Point hloh - 0

Bungkawn VC.

1. F.Lalparmawii
Point hmuh - 18
Point hloh - 5

2. RK.Lalfakmawii
Point hmuh - 10
Point hloh - 5

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